Invitation to ASA PRO-RACE Activity
BREAKING NEWS: Open invitation for those who are from Hong Kong!
We would like to invite you to attaind on the Cultural Exhibition and forum disscussion for the PRORACE organised by Asian Students Association (ASA) in this following mention date.
Date Venue Time
5 December 2004 Chater Road 12 NN-5PM
5 January 2005 Chinese University 12NN-2PM
PRO-RACE: or People’s Rally for an Organized Racial and Cultural Exchange showcases different nationalities and their culturals with the objective of promoting understanding and meaninful exchanges of nationalities cultural espacially among the youth.
The Asian Students’ Association (ASA) is an independent and non-aligned regional body of 52 national student organisations from 32 countries. As a regional student body, ASA is actively developing a philosophy, which reflects the sentiments of the oppressed people in the Asia-Pacific.
We are looking forward to hearing from you. If you want to know further more about the program please contact us through the contacts given below.
Asian Students Association (ASA) office
Phone: 23880515
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