Thursday, January 20, 2005

The ASA will join the World Social Forum!

UPDATE: The ASA together with the Hong Kong People's Alliance on WTO (HKPA) will attend the coming World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, Brazil from January 26 - 31.

Khai Loon will represent the ASA secretariat to attend different program in the WSF. One of the missions that ASA needs to fulfill is the publicity of the HKPA to the youth and student around the world. We hope this mission will promote the campaign against the globalization and WTO. At the same time, it will encourage more student and youth from the world to attend the Student and Youth Caucus in Hong Kong in December 2005.

Besides, the ASA is looking forward to join the Intercontinental Youth Camp (IYC) that begin from 24 - 31 January, 2005. We hope the ASA can participate in some of their programs especially in promoting the views from the Asia-Pacific. It's important for the ASA to be there to emphasis the progressive stand of the student and youth under the current political and economical situation in the world.

World Social Forum will be the pool of organizations, groups and institutions. The ASA together with other organizations from Hong Kong will ensure all the opportunity for the HKPA to introduce the preparation from the Hong Kong about coming WTO Ministerial Conference. We believe that through the international solidarity, the movement will become stronger and braoder.

As may be many of youth from Asia-Pacific unable to attend the World Social Forum, the ASA will try our best to provide you some exclusive coverage about the progress and the activity in World Social Forum. We hope it will benefit our members and network to present their views in the international arena.

Therefore, please feel free to write to the ASA secretariat at for your valuable comments and inputs. We will work out for the best to present it there!