Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry X'mas or Season Greetings?

Tonight is the X'mas eve, what are you going to do for the X'mas celebration? Any interesting event for you to celebrate the X'mas? However, I think many of you will not feel strange to the greeting of "Merry X'mas" because this is the greetings that we used since the creation of the X'mas.

This year, there were debates in the US about the using of the Merry X'mas as the greeting because of the religious origin of the Christianity. Instead of using "Merry X'mas", they proposed to use the "Happy Holiday" or "Season's Greeting" in order to accommodate the migrants community or non Christian in the US.

Such debate became the target of the conservative Catholic, they strongly criticised such proposal. What do you think about this? Even country like Malaysia, the state is not allowed the word of "Jesus Christ" to be used in the X'mas celebration. Of course, this is another extreme that we have in the Asia.

For the purpose of the debate, I welcome such initiatives that start thinking or even concern about the ethnic minority or migrant community in a country like US. However, the religious celebration should not intervene by the state or any authority.

For instance, for those who are sensitive to the Merry X'mas, they can use Season Greetings or Happy Holiday instead. But there is no reason to ask other people not to use "Merry X'mas". I think this is still can be debated.

Anyway, wish you have a wonderful holiday.