Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Mass Action to Protest Against WTO!

UPDATE: The Hong Kong People's Alliance on WTO (HKPA) is going to hold a protest action on coming Sunday to protest against the WTO particularly the General Council meeting that will take place in Geneva from July 27-29.

HKPA just met with the MC6 Secretariat and different government departments including the police, immigration and the leisure, cultural and social department. The meeting was in the good atmosphere but not much committment from the government. The Standard in Hong Kong had the coverage about the meeting with the title "Protest curbs may backfire".

One of the important agendas in the meeting with the government was the allocation of the decent venues for the HKPA to organize the gahterings, rallies, meetings and cultural events. The HKPA currently is having "Get the Venue" Campaign that lobby the government to provide decent places for lodging, rallies and meetings.

The whole July is an important month for the HKPA in many aspects. Besides the July 1st Mass Rally, the Community Drive that took place on July 17 to reach out the local community also very successfully. At the same time, the coming July 24 Mass Rally will be another significant event that we all in Hong Kong and out of Hong Kong shall prevail.

Here are the details of the July 24 rally:

HKPA Protest against the Government and WTO before the WTO Council Meeting
Call for transparency in negotiations, public consultation on GATS negotiations and information to the public, as well as the unjust and lack of democracy in the WTO
When? July 24 (Sunday)
What time? 2:00 pm
Where? HSBC in Central to Central Government Office (CGO)